Friday, January 13, 2017

Warrior of the Week Form

We are excited to hear about the "little things" the staff and students at Medfield High see around the school. Each week we will send a postcard to a student's home congratulating them for their kindness and announce on Friday morning the student's name! Thank you!! The form is also available on the right side of this page if you click on the warrior head icon!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Second Semester Form


Any MHS student or faculty member should fill out this form so student council can provide you with the best, most memorable events for this upcoming semester!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017



The MHS Student Council was full in the holiday spirit this past December! We hosted a poster making contest for the Angel Run, made holiday cards for the teachers before winter break, and sold candy cane grams to the student body. Winter break allowed us to relax and recharge but we are excited for the New Year!

Upcoming events: Midterms (1/19 - 1/24), Spread the Word to End the Word (1/16 - 1/18)