Tuesday, November 1, 2016


October was a busy month for our student council members. We added a few more representatives in the freshmen class with regular elections and walk-on applications. This totals our council to 63 members.

We also hosted a Student Government workshop for all Student Government representatives. We helped the reps with leadership skills and outlined the responsibilities for each position. The ice breakers and activities were designed to help them embrace challenges and prepare them for every situation they could possibly face throughout the year.

One of our biggest events was the Spirit Dance and Spirit Week. In the beginning of the month, the council organized a Spirit Week which led up to the homecoming football game with the Spirit Dance after the game. Tuesday was storm coming and students wore storm gear as if they were preparing for a storm. Wednesday was The Great Outdoors where students wore anything that had to do with nature such as animal costumes and camouflage. Thursday was Vacation Day and students wore leis and tacky tourist outfits. Friday was white out to go along with the theme of the football game and the Spirit Dance. We had a lot of people at both the game and the dance and both were a huge hit!

The council volunteered at New Life in Walpole on Columbus Day to help organize furniture, assemble bed frames, and put sheet sets together. New Life is an organization that accepts donations of furniture and household items, warehouses them and then makes them available at no charge to those in need. We had a lot of fun working together and helping our community at the same time.

The Executive Board members went to Holy Cross for a MASC Officer Shop on 11/20 to learn how to be better leaders within our council and gain new ideas on how to make our existing and future events better. We met many new types of people and the activities we participated in allowed us to branch out of our comfort zone to be more confident in ourselves.

Upcoming events: Powderpuff (11/18), Can Drive (11/14-11/18), CDMASC Fall Conference (11/9), Pep Rally (11/23), Spirit Week, (11/21-11/23)

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